mardi 14 septembre 2010

Stabat Arbor 10

L’érable argenté (Acer saccharinum) a une croissance rapide. Entre deux coups de pinceaux il a déjà fait sienne la clôture. Il la saute et prend le chemin ou le trottoir selon son habitude vagabonde. L’érable argenté est aussi pressé, l’or du temps, il connait!

Épouser la contrainte et avancer les yeux fermés. C’est un bloc solide de racines qui occupe cette fosse d’arbre trop étroite. Qui cèdera?

Et si quelqu’un identifie cet arbre (ou arbuste?) je lui donne 10 points Flora Urbana! Un peu de latex a perlé du pétiole d’une feuille échantillonnée. Les feuilles sont rugueuses et une petite dent termine chaque lobe. Du latex, mais je doute que cette espèce inconnue soit de la famille du pavot (les Papavéracées). Votre aide please!

6 commentaires:

  1. hi!
    I don't speak french,so i'm not sure:are you trying to identify the last tree?
    if so,couldn't it be a fig tree o something very similar? italy they are quite common growing that way in difficult places.Leaves are usually slightly different,but look here:

  2. Hello Paola, well it seems you are right it looks a fig tree. My tree does have latex and I did not realise that Ficus had latex. But this is Montréal with very cold (siberian!) winter and this tree has been growing wildly for at least two years in a difficult situation... I'm going out to see it one more time...what if there is a fig!!!!!Thanks a lot! I'll get back later...

  3. Well Paola you are right, it is a fig tree. Ficus johannis subsp. afghanistanica to be precise. You earn 9 out of the 10 points for this contest!

    Many thanks!

    See today's post:

  4. hello,that's incredible,a fig tree that survives low teperaures!!:))
    I know you have terrible winters there so I thought "the fig must be in a paricular position,well protected from the wall,and so it survived"...but I couldn't convince myself :)
    I've just found your blog,can't read/understand everything but it seems very interesting so..i'll keep on trying..or at least looking at pictures;)

  5. Yes it's an interesting find. It is growing in a protected site, but not facing south. This species is cold hardy, hardier than suspected.

    I use to have Google translate buttons on my blog. I think I'll put these back... just for you!

